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Campaign Creation

Guide to create campaigns

Nived Lal avatar
Written by Nived Lal
Updated over 6 months ago

Last Updated: March, 2024

Steps to create a campaign

Order is the first step in campaign creation flow. (Refer to the article for Order creation.)

  1. To create a new campaign, navigate to "Campaigns" in the left-hand menu and click on "New Campaign." Alternatively, you can create a campaign from a specific order by clicking on "Create a Campaign."

  2. When you select "Create New Campaign," you will be prompted to fill in the campaign name and link it to an order. If you choose to create a campaign from an Order page, the campaign creation window will open immediately.

Campaign creation is divided into 4 sections:


Under this section, we will be filling all the basic information about the campaign.

  • Campaign name: We suggest you follow specific nomenclature for all your campaign names. It's better to avoid using spaces and special characters as it can cause reporting issues with 3rd party tools. You can use the following format: Country_CreativeType_OS_Target_Specifications.

    Example: DE_Video_iOS_Audience.

  • Tags: On a broad level campaign goals can be defined using the Tag option. In the reporting dashboard or in the UI you can group similar tagged campaigns under one report

Example: Assuming your campaign goal is user acquisition and you have selected the same tag while creating a campaign. You can filter by User_acquisition tag, this gives you a list of all the campaigns which have the same selected tag.

  • Order: You will get a drop-down list of all orders created. Once you link the order all associated information (e.g., Click Destination, Budgets, Duration of the campaign) will be auto-filled in the campaign. 

  • Click Destination: Click destination will copy the inputs from the associated order for the campaign. With Click destination, it will automatically pull information from the promoted app (or website) along with app domain, app bundle, app id and OS information. 

  • Deal ID: Deal ID is a unique alphanumeric code specific to a preferred deal or private auction. The campaign competes only for the impression in the preferred deal or private auction and thus becomes ineligible to compete for the impression in the Open Auction. You can enter multiple Deal IDs as comma-separated values. This feature enables you to use multiple PMP deals in one campaign.

  • Time Schedule: By creating a time schedule, your ads will run only during the specified dates and times. You can either choose to run ads at any time of the day (Run Ads All The Time) or only during a specific time frame (Run Ads on Schedule).

You can identify user behavior in order to serve them the impression at the time they are the keenest to click and download the app. For example, if McDonald’s was running a campaign to attract customers for their breakfast menu, they would run their ads in the morning to ensure maximum relevance.

Note: if you run campaigns using our CPI optimization, our algorithm takes care of the time of the day and optimizes the delivery based on its learnings to deliver more impressions during the time when it can get the best CPI and scale.


Under Budget, we fill the creative type, optimization type, budget allocation and different cappings available in the system.

  • Creative Type: you have four creative types to choose: HTML, Video, Native and Image, depending on your requirements.

  • Optimization Type: you can optimize your campaigns based on CPM, CPC and CPI and set a Target. Your campaigns will optimize bidding and it will determine the bid value. 

  • Limit Max bid: is used when you want to limit the max bid price you want to bid for an impression either on 1st Price Auction (1PA) or 2nd Price Auction(2PA).

In the screenshot you can see an example, 1PA is set lower than 2PA. In this you are controlling the max CPM cost per 1000 impressions to $10 in 1PA, you pay what you bid whereas in 2PA you have an option to set a higher bid limit, as your win price <= bid price. 

Note: You can only choose one creative type and Optimization type per campaign. Creative type and Optimization type cannot be changed once you save the campaign.

  • Capping: You can set the daily budget capping and total budget for your campaign. Only daily budget capping is considered for Budget Pacing.

    • Impression/Click/Install capping are simply upper limits to delivery and do not factor into pacing. For example, with a $100 USD daily budget, bid optimization will try to spend the daily budget evenly throughout the day according to the available traffic per each hour. In contrast, impression caps could be reached early in the day and stop delivery of the campaign.

  • Frequency Capping: limiting the number of impressions or clicks over a period of time. Frequency capping is crucial in ensuring that your ad doesn't get served to the same users too often within a given number of days (to avoid audience fatigue). 

  • Pacing:

    • Budget Pacing distributes the campaign budget evenly across the campaign duration and across a day to prevent the budget from being exhausted earlier.

      Budget pacing does NOT distribute the campaign budget evenly across a day, but rather in relation to the volume of traffic availability.

      If turned off, the campaign will have an accelerated delivery and might exhaust the budget before the end of the day or end date.

    • Impression Pacing evenly paces the impressions across the life-time of the campaign.

      The new Impression Pacing feature can be enabled by setting the option to “Even”, which will space the Impressions evenly across the days and hours. The hourly impression distribution is however based on historical inventory availability. Therefore, the evenness during the day cannot be predicted. In the case of a minor over-delivery or under-delivery on a particular day, the remaining impressions for the campaign will be spread evenly across the remaining number of days thereby normalizing uneven distribution.

      *Note: by default thesettingisset to "NoPacing".

      The impressions to be served per day is calculated using the provided Impression Capping (Total) divided by the campaign duration.

      For Ex. if Impression Capping (Total) = 1 million and campaign duration = 20 days, then

      Calculated Impressions delivery per day = 1 million / 20 days = 50K impressions

      If the Impression capping (Daily) is also provided then the impressions served for the day will be the minimum of the calculated impressions per day and the Impression capping (Daily).

      In the case when the Budget Capping - Daily is provided, then the impressions served for the day will be the minimum of the provided Budget Capping (Daily) and the budget required to serve the calculated daily impressions

    • Impression Interval per User

      This works in conjunction with Frequency capping (F-cap) setting. For instance, if a campaign has F-cap of 3 ads per user in 1 day and an impression pacing of 30 minutes, this means that the user will see max 3 ads in a day while ensuring no two ads are shown within 30 minutes of each other.

      For instance, in the above case, system will ensure that there is at least a gap of 5 minutes between two impressions shown to the user of the same advertised app

      Here are the default values for new campaigns. Please note setting a very high value of impression pacing can result in missed bidding opportunities and under delivery.

Campaign Optimization Type

Default Value


No Pacing


5 minutes


5 minutes

Given our historical focus on buying LAT traffic (Kayzen enabled users to buy LAT traffic since 2019), the feature works for both LAT and non LAT traffic

  • Optimization:

    • Bid Shading: this option is available only for CPM and CPC campaigns. Bid Shading predicts the best bid value for every request eligible for your campaign. It optimizes bid prices based on auction type to achieve the lowest eCPM while maintaining the required win rate.

      For instance, If Bid Shading is OFF for the CPM campaign, it will bid exactly at “Target CPM” for every eligible bid request you have set in the campaign. If Bid Shading is ON, for 1st Price Auction it will optimize bid values based on the floor price of incoming bid requests so as to not overbid and you have the option to disable 2nd Price auction to get more scale.

      If the campaign is under-spending, “Bid Shading” will check the win rate; if the win rate is very low, it will continue to increase the bid. If the win rate is good, it means that the traffic price is lower than your "Target CPM", so it won't change the bid.

      Optimization type matters for Bid Shading; for example, consider a CPC campaign, CTR is used to calculate the bid price. For instance, Kayzen will not buy low CPM with a high CPC, which means CTR is very low, so for such traffic, we will bid quite low.

      Note: Do not use bid optimization when you know your target audience (in retargeting). Optimizing bids could lead to lower bids and reduced win rate which results in a lesser number of impressions won and as a result lower percentage of the audience reached.

    • App Diversity: Enables you to diversify your advertising spend across different Bundles. If any Bundle goes over the maximum spend allowance, it gets automatically blacklisted. If you increase the budget, Bundle might be removed from the blacklisted list during the next check. 

      Turn ON app diversity if you're doing manual optimization and don't want to risk spending too much on any one Bundle without checking its performance.

    • Auto exclusion of placements that have not achieved a certain eCPI after a specified minimum spend.


  • Budget Pacing by default will be turned on when you select app Diversity and/or Auto exclusion.

  • It is recommended to not use Auto exclusion for CPI optimized campaigns, as it will add another optimization logic on top of auto blacklisting.


Under this section, you can target specific type of inventory based on your campaign goals.

  • Country, State and City: you can use either include or exclude option. If you choose to “Exclude” in the higher options of geo-targeting, you cannot choose to include in the lower geo-targeting options. For example, if you exclude Bavaria under "State", you will see an error message if you use the include option under “city.” 

  • Zip Code: You can use Zip Code-based targeting to reach users who are currently under a specific zip code. We can also target users in a specific range. For Example, 123** will target zip codes like 12345, 12306, etc.

    Some of the rules to keep in mind while using Zip Code targeting:

    • Only 1 country per campaign is allowed for zip code targeting.

    • Zip Codes to be separated by commas. Only hyphens, commas, alpha-numeric characters are allowed.

    • Max 20 characters per zip code.

    • Max 1000 zip codes can be uploaded.

    • Zip Codes will not be verified against the country. If the zip codes are not for the selected country, ads will not be served to that audience.

  • Lat-Long: must be in the following format: Latitude 1, Longitude 1, Radius 1 | Latitude 2, Longitude 2, Radius 2, etc. Max 25,000 geo-locations can be entered. Latitude can range from -90 to 90. Longitude can range from -180 to 180. Radius is defined in miles and can range from 0.5 to 999 with 2 decimal points.

  • Exchanges: Select the exchanges you want to target. By default all exchanges are added. If you remove all exchanges, your campaign will target ALL exchanges.

  • Session Depth: refers to the number of ads a user has already seen in a session.

    • Range: You can select a specific range of Session Depth and the campaign will serve only if the user's session depth value satisfies the entered range.

    • Exact: select an exact value for the Session Depth and the campaign will become eligible only if the user's session depth value satisfies the exact value selected.

  • Traffic Type: The kind of inventory you want to target: App or Mobile Web. Default option is both.

  • Network Type: If you want to target cellular or WIFI users. Default option is both.
    Carriers: If you select Network type: Cellular and have selected specific Countries to target, you will get an option to target specific Carriers like : Verizon, Vodafone etc.

  • Platform:

    Here you can see the OS you are targeting (in case of App Object) or you select which platform you want to target such as iOS, Android (in case of Site Object).

    You can further make granular targeting with OS versions in 3 different ways

    • All - target all versions includes unknown OS versions

    • Range - target a range of versions such as iOS 10 - iOS 15. Choose ‘Latest’ as the max version if you want to always target the most up-to-date version.

    • Specific - target specific versions

  • Device Identifier: you can target bid requests which do not pass device ID, by selecting Missing. You can target your campaign Both where you want to explore all bid requests which have both device ID and no device ID. 

  • Device Type: The options are Phone or Tablet. Default option is both.

  • Device Manufacturer: This will be based on the Platform you selected. For eg: For Android, you'll get the option to target Huawei, Google etc.

  • Smart App Categories: You can target specific categories of apps upto 3 levels of granularity: Category, Genre and Sub-genre.
    For eg: Casual Games > Puzzle > Word Puzzle. Your campaign will target all Word Puzzle games.

  • Whitelist/Blacklist:
    Audience: You can whitelist/blacklist users based on Device IDs (SHA1 hashed and RAW) through audiences created. (Refer to the audience creation article to create a new audience.)

    IP List: You need to make a list of IP's in CSV format, and upload it. Refer here for a sample CSV file.

    App List: you can create an App List based on specific app IDs or bundle IDs, this ensures that ads run only on designated supply sources. App List can be saved and used later in other campaigns. You can create App Lists during campaign creation:

    • Placement ID is an alphanumeric ID for an app and specific to an exchange. Enter comma-separated values in the following format: ExchangeID-AppID (Example: 11-130006611). Specific app IDs and exchange IDs can be sourced from Kayzen Reports or from the Running apps section on a single campaign’s page.

    • App Bundle ID is a unique identifier for an app on all exchanges. You can get bunlde IDs from Reports, Inventory Discovery etc. 

  • Estimated daily potential impressions:
    In the upper right-hand corner of the screen in the targeting section, you will notice the Estimated potential daily impressions numbers. This feature estimates the average number of bid requests matching your campaign targeting specifications, and changes as you add more targeting parameters (countries, exchanges, App Groups, etc.). 

    When we whitelist an audience, Estimated potential daily impressions only considers the Audience and Creative Type, ignoring all other targeting parameters.

    Note: Estimated daily potential impressions do not include potential impressions related to Zip codes, Lat-Long, device-related targeting, publisher categories, IP list and blacklist targeting options.

  • Inventory Price Landscape : The Inventory Price will allow you to gain better insights before and after the campaign creation. It helps determine the target price strategy for the campaigns and optimize them for maximum ROI. The inventory price feature is powered by analyzing more than 150 billion ad requests every day and will assist marketers with their campaign strategy planning.


  • The inventory price data shown is always based on last 7 days of data

  • The price is not specific for a particular campaign but taken from all relevant auctions across the entire platform.


Before you start working on the creatives, we suggest you go through the creative specification and guidelines and Click and Impression tracking article.

Below are some links to guide you in your creative setup.

It is always recommended to optimize and test the creative of your campaigns, some additional articles to refer for creative optimization and End to end testing of creatives.

Bid Multiplier

In this section, we show you how to change the bid values of your targeted Apps, Location or Exchange.

  • Max applicable Bid Multiplier Value: it is the maximum multiplier value set at a campaign level. The sum value of all the attributes multiplied cannot be greater than the max bid multiplier value.
    For instance, in the below example, the total multiplied attributes to 20 which is greater than Max bid value (15)

Note: Max applicable Bid Multiplier Value is set by Admin users in the Admin console.

  • Apps: you can add either your App Bundle or Exchange-App ID to increase or decrease the bid price. The Apps you want to change the bid will be listed in the table, you can set the bid multiplier specific to each App under Multiplier. (shown in the image below)


  • You can get the App Bundle or Exchange-App ID details from your campaign details page.

  • When you add any App, Location or Exchange the default multiplier value is set as '1'.(seen in the image above) If you do not edit the default settings, then the bid price will not change as anything multiplied by 1 the value remains the same. In order to increase or decrease the bid price, you need to put your preferred multiplier value.

  • Location: in this section, you can increase the bid multiplier for Country, State or City.

  • Exchange: You can increase/decrease the bid by selecting specific exchanges as shown in the image below.

Note: you can access Bid Multiplier settings in the campaign details page as seen in the image below.

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