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Written by Nived Lal
Updated over 12 months ago

Last Updated: March, 2024

Ad Format Categorization of creative type

  • Banner: HTML and image creative type of non fullscreen sizes (300x50,320x50, 300x250 etc.)

  • Native

  • Interstitial: Full screen HTML, image and video creative types.

  • Rewarded: Full screen and rewarded HTML, image and video creative types.

Ad Markup – Creative code sent in the bid response.

App Diversity(formerly known as placement diversity) – A feature used to allocate max spend on a single Bundle with an intention to diversify the spend across different Bundles.

API Key – access key for API integration for synchronizing either MMP attributed events and raw events synchronization or reporting API. Reporting API Key and API Key for MMP integration are separate API Keys in Kayzen.

App List – Lists of app bundles which can be applied to campaign targeting as either a whitelist or blacklist.

App Object – entity in Kayzen platform for a mobile app to be advertised. App Object contains its own API Key, allowing multiple apps to be connected with one advertiser account.

Assisted – the relative difference between self-attributed and MMP-attributed data.

Audience – list of users (device IDs – IDFA or GAID) which can be applied to campaign targeting as either a whitelist or blacklist. 

Audience List – list of all audiences that have been created in a Kayzen Advertiser Account. Available via the Audiences tab on the left-side panel.

Autoblacklisting – component of CPI and CPC Algorithms which will automatically blacklist underperforming App IDs.

Auto-Exclusion – campaign setting that allows a user to set rules to automatically exclude underperforming App IDs based on user-defined thresholds.

Average Revenue per User (ARPU) Average revenue per user from day(0) till day(x) after install or reattribution. This metric is used in the context of Cohort.

Average Revenue per Paying User (ARPPU) Average revenue per paying user from the day(0) till day(x) after install or reattribution. This metric is used in the context of Cohort.

Bid Loss Notification – notification sent by some SSPs which indicates the reason for a lost auction (reasons can include low bid price, creative rejected, adomain rejected, etc.)

Bids – RTB auctions entered by placing a non-zero bid response. A non-zero bid response is placed if the bid price is above the floor price sent in the bid request. Otherwise, a zero-bid response is placed which will not count as Bid.

Bid Price Per Mille- Avg bid price submitted for all bids placed irrespective of whether these bids resulted in an impression or not. Formula= ((Sum of bid price for all bids placed )/ Number of bids placed)*1000

Bid Request – request from an SSP to participate in an auction and if won to display an ad on a Publisher's app. It contains many fields of information which allow buyers to determine the price to pay for each individual impression.

Blacklist – targeting criteria to EXCLUDE could be it list of apps or audiences or IPs.

Budget Mode – starting phase of CPI Algorithm in which campaigns are primarily optimized to spend daily budget (while still aiming for target CPI the primary objective is to spend budget and explore; hence budget mode is equivalent to 'exploration phase'). Also known as Explore mode.

Bundle ID – unique ID for a given publisher app, visible in the App Store/Google Play Store URL. It's the same for the app across any exchanges.

Campaign – entity in Kayzen platform which contains info regarding the App being advertised, scheduling, targeting, optimization, as well as creative assets.

Clear Rate – ratio of Impressions / Bids. The rate of impressions served over auctions entered.

Clicks – User-initiated interaction with an ad impression that leads directly to the App Store or Playstore.

Click-Through Attribution – MMP Attribution based on users clicking ads and performing an install.

Cohort Size – The total number of acquired or reattributed users in the selected timeframe.

Cohort Days ( D0, D1,Dx) - "D0" denotes the installation or reattribution day, while "D1", "D3", "D7", "D14", and "D30" refer to the days following the install or reattribution in the context of User Acquisition or Retargeting.

Note: 24 hours from the time of install is considered as one day. For example: for a user who Installed on July 1 @ 12 noon and performed a session on July 2 @ 10 AM, this session will be counted for D0. Another session by the same user on July 3rd @ 10 AM will be D1 and so on.

Conversion Object – entity in Kayzen platform to track a Conversion event (and associated CPA). Only one Conversion Object can be set per app object.

Conversion Rate (CT CR) – rate of click-through Installs / Clicks.

Cost per Reattribution Ratio of the cost of reaching users to the total number of reattributions till day(x) from those users. This metric is used in the context of Cohort.

CPA – Cost Per Action. Rate of Spend divided by Conversions (as defined by Conversion Object).

CPC – Cost Per Click. Rate of Spend divided by Clicks.

CPC Algorithm – Kayzen proprietary technology which optimizes bids placed to achieve target CPC for a given campaign.

CPI – Cost Per Install. Rate of Spend divided by Installs.

CPI Algorithm – Kayzen proprietary technology which optimizes bids placed to achieve Target CPI for a given campaign.

CPI Factor – component of CPI algorithm which adjusts the aggressiveness of campaign bidding with regards to achieved performance.

CPI Mode – second phase of CPI Algorithm in which campaigns are fully optimized to achieve the Target CPI. CPI mode is equivalent to "exploitation mode." Also known as Optimized mode.

CPM – Cost Per Mille. Rate of Spend divided by 1000 Impressions.

CPM Optimization – Kayzen proprietary technology which optimizes bids placed to achieve a 50% win rate at or below target CPM for a given campaign. Also commonly referred to as a Bid Shading algorithm.

Creative – entity in Kayzen campaigns that contains creative assets to be served, along with corresponding Click and Impression URLs. Creative types can be Image, Video, HTML, or Native.

Creative Type - Image, HTML, Native and Video formats of creatives.

CT CPI – Cost Per CT Install. Rate of Spend divided by CT Installs.

CT CR – Click Through Conversion Rate. Ratio of Installs / Clicks

CT / CT Install – install attributed via Click-Through Attribution. Usually, a CT Install is MMP attributed, but if the advertiser synchronizes non-attributed events with his account, users will be able to see both MMP attributed, Self-attributed and Assisted CT Installs.

CTR – Click-Through Rate. Ratio of Clicks / Impressions.

Custom Audience – Kayzen proprietary audience builder based on event streaming from MMP/CDP integration or by sending events directly to Kayzen's event API via any system.

Eligible Bid Request – maximum number of bid requests eligible for a campaign after checking for basic targeting constraints like country, exchange, OS, carrier, connection type, traffic type, and creative type.

Exchange (SSP) – Ad Exchange. Partner which facilitates auctions of ads from Publishers to Buyers.

First-Party Audience – audience created via Advertiser's first-party data. It can be a file upload, file URL, or API generated audience.

First Price Auction – A type of auction, where the highest bidder pays the price they bid.

Floor Price – the minimum bid price a publisher will accept for an individual auction (bid request).

Impressions – Number of ads served to users on a campaign. They are triggered when the ad appears on a user's device screen.

Impression Capping – Technique used to limit the number of times each ad impression is shown to an individual user. It can be both daily impression capping and total impression capping (for the entire campaign duration).

In-App Events – events set in your App which are triggered when a user completes a certain action. These events are transmitted to the SDK of the MMP/CDP, which can then be streamed to Kayzen via the MMP/CDP Integration.

IPM – Installs per Mille (1000 impressions). A measure of performance that tells the number of installs generated per 1000 impressions served.

Inventory Price – The CPM ranges of programmatic inventory helps determine the target price strategy for the campaigns and optimize them for maximum ROI. These ranges are represented as percentage distribution across several locations on the UI namely during the Campaign Create/Edit, the Campaign Details page and on the Campaign List page.

MMP – Mobile Measurement Partner. A partner that determines the marketing attribution for every install and in-app events of a given app.

MMP Integration – integration between Your App on Kayzen and your MMP. Allows Click Through Attribution, View Through Attribution, and streaming of In-App Events. Integration is made by using your API Key.

MMP (in reporting) – install or post-install events attributed by MMP to Kayzen.

My App – app that is created via App Object, visible in Advertiser Account.

My Website – website destination that is created via App Object, visible in Advertiser Account.

New Uniques – new unique devices reached by campaigns in a given time period. 

Placement ID – the ad placement within an app as determined by the Exchange sending the ad request. For example, an app will have two or more placement IDs when:

a) the apps' inventory is available through multiple exchanges (each exchange will have at least one placement ID)

b) the app has different ad placements, either for different creative types (e.g. banner will be a different placement than rewarded video) or different ad placements in the app (for example, in a game an interstitial appearing between levels may be a different placement from an interstitial appearing when you start a new game)

c) the app uses a waterfall based ad server / mediation layer and the respective Exchanges automatically create different placement IDs for different waterfall positions.

Note: It was previously called App ID

Publisher Name – the corresponding Publisher of a given app as seen in the App Store/Google Play .

Raw Logs – impression and click raw logs contain extra information which is not available in the UI. Raw logs can be downloaded from the UI as CSV export files in Reports section.

Retained Users – The number of unique users who returned to the app on the day(x) after install or reattribution. Helps to understand how many users engaged with the app after an install/reattribution. This metric is used in the context of Cohort.

Retention Rate – Percentage of unique users who returned to the app on the day(x) after install or reattribution. This metric will be useful to understand the drop-off for different Cohorts of users.

Revenue – In-App Events which contain a Revenue value such as a purchase.

Revenue (cohort) This metric when used in the context of Cohort is defined as Total revenue generated by users from day(0) till day(x) after install or reattribution.

ROAS – Return On Ad Spend, Revenue / Spend.

ROAS (cohort) Revenue on Ad Spend. This metric when used in the context of Cohort is defined as Ratio of total revenue generated by users after install/reattribution from the day(0) till day(x) to the spend on D0.

RTB – Real-Time Bidding. Ads auctioned in real time to allow buyers to show ads for relevant users based on data contained in Bid Request fields.

RTB Auction – auction that happens in real-time bidding environment to buy and sell ad impressions programmatically.

RT – Retargeting. Retargeting existing users with ads to increase engagement and ROI.

SDK – Software Development Kit. A code deployed within the native code of an app that allows Third Parties to access data and perform various functions. Exchanges, MMPs, and other vendors require apps to integrate an SDK to use their services.

Second Price Auction – A type of auction, where the highest bidder pays the price of the second highest bidder.

Self – install or post-install events attributed by Kayzen. This tells you the true impact your campaigns had on in-app event metrics.

Server To Server (s2s) Click Tracking – special tracking link setup which sends the user directly to the app store (no browser redirect) and in the background fires the MMP link (server to server).

Session Depth – field in Bid Request, which indicates the number of ads the user has seen in their current session. i.e., session_depth=0 would be the first ad, session_depth=1 would be the 2nd ad, and so on. 

SKAN (in reporting) – install or post-install events attributed by Apple to Kayzen.

Survival Rate – ratio of Impressions / Wins. Not all won auctions result in impressions, due to multiple reasons such as publisher waterfall setup, in-app parallel bidding, caching and more.

Target CPC – for CPC Optimized Campaigns, the target CPC you would like to achieve.

Target CPI – for CPI Optimized Campaigns, the target CPI you would like to achieve.

Target CPM – for CPM Optimized Campaigns, the maximum CPM you would like to achieve.

UA – User Acquisition. Acquiring new users with ads.

Underdelivery Reason – entry in Kayzen Internal Support Tool which determines the reasons that a campaign did not bid on eligible bid requests.

Unique Events – distinct number of times an event was driven via a single impression or click.

Unique Users – count of Unique Users reached on a campaigns as defined by Conversion Object. 

View-Through Attribution – MMP Attribution based on users viewing ads and performing an install (without a click).

VT / VT Install – View-Through attributed install. An install attributed based on an impression served to the user. VT Installs are generally MMP attributed. If an advertiser has synchronized non-attributed install events from his MMP account, then VT Installs will be separately displayed as MMP attributed, Self-attributed and Assisted VT Installs.

Whitelist – targeting criteria to INCLUDE could be a list of apps or audiences or IPs.

Win Rate – ratio of Wins / Bids. Auctions won over auctions entered.

Wins – Auctions won. Need not necessarily mean the ad was shown to the user.

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