Last Update: April, 2024
Kayzen offers a suite of white-labeling solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers. This document details the requirements and essential information for implementing our white-labeling solutions, designed to empower clients with brand-centric customization options.
Kayzen's offerings encompass three primary white-labeling solutions:
1.UI/Console White labeling - Clients have the opportunity to white-label the Kayzen user interface, creating a seamless brand experience for their users.
2.MMP White labeling - Customers can have a white-label integration with MMP, so that customers name is visible as a supported network in MMP dashboard
3. Reporting API White labeling - Clients can leverage Kayzen's reporting API under their own branding, facilitating a transparent and branded reporting process for internal stakeholders or external clients.
UI/Console White-Labeling
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for customizing and white-labeling the Kayzen console, the primary interface used by customers to set up campaigns and review performance reports.
General requirements for UI White-Labeling
To facilitate UI White-Labeling, kindly complete the form available at - - This document outlines the necessary details required for various aspects:
Billing details: Information provided here will be visible upon accessing funds section in the UI.
Custom URL/domain: Further details regarding this customization are provided below.
Privacy URL, Terms of use, copyright text, etc: All specified information will be integrated into the UI for your customers.
Logo: Upload your logo for incorporation into the UI.
SMTP details: Necessary for enabling support for campaign-related emails sent from your own email domain.
Custom DSP URL / domain
Please specify your desired URL in the provided form under "DSP custom URL". Ensure that you own the domain. For example,
Our developers will create a new certificate in AWS Certificate Manager. It's important to note that for UI white-labeling, we offer free AWS certificates exclusively.
Once the certificate is generated, we will provide the necessary CNAME details. You'll need to validate the certificate by adding the DNS record.
Upon confirmation, we'll create a CloudFront distribution and share the DNS record changes details with you.
To complete the setup, you must add a CNAME record pointing to the CloudFront distribution created as mentioned above. We will provide the necessary details for this. Once this step is completed, we will finalize the setup from our end. You should then be able to access the Kayzen console using your custom domain.
MMP white-labelling
Leverage Kayzen's infrastructure to establish your own integration with Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs), such as Appsflyer. This process involves coordinating with your chosen MMP to set up a new ad network or modular partner integration.
Steps for MMP white-label Integration:
Initiate Communication with MMP
Begin by starting a thread with your MMP (e.g., Appsflyer) requesting a new ad network or modular partner integration.
Provide Required Information
During the setup process, you will need to fill out some general forms. Be prepared to provide the following critical information:
Global Click URL Format: Include all supported parameters to be sent to the MMP at the moment of a click. This format will also apply to the impression URL. Please refer to the Kayzen impression and click templates below.
Global Install Postback URL: Ensure it contains all expected parameters to be received.
Global In-App Events Postback URL: Specify the format for in-app events postbacks
Best Practices: Request the MMP to enable features such as passing non-attributed data, retargeting, and view-through attribution for comprehensive data capture.
Finalization by MMP
The MMP’s integrations team will then enable your account and provide access to the dashboard.
Important Note:
By default, Adjust requires device IDs (GAID for Android and IDFA for iOS) to track server-to-server (S2S) clicks, as mentioned in the Adjust documentation. However, Adjust offers a special integration that allows S2S click tracking without device IDs by using an S2S authorisation token.
To enable this, please reach out to Adjust and request an authorisation token for tracking S2S clicks in LAT (Limited Ad Tracking) traffic. Once received, share the token with us so we can implement it on our end.
Recommendations for Smooth Integration:
Dashboard Ownership: Use a generic email address (e.g., for the MMP dashboard owner. This facilitates easy management and oversight.
Sharing Credentials with Kayzen: Consider sharing the MMP dashboard credentials with Kayzen. This step can significantly aid in troubleshooting discrepancies or any issues that may arise during the integration process.
Impression & Click Trackers Templates
Below are impression and click tracker templates tailored for several MMPs integrated with Kayzen. These templates are designed to facilitate seamless tracking and attribution within your campaigns. For further details on the macros used in these trackers, please refer to our documentation here.
Impression Tracker
Click Tracker
Impression Tracker<tracker_identifying_network_for_an_app>?campaign={CAMPAIGN_NAME}&adgroup={APP_BUNDLE}&creative={CREATIVE_NAME}&idfa={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&idfa={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&gps_adid={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&publisher_id={APP_ID}&impression_id={CONVERSION_ID}&<integration>_click_id={CONVERSION_ID}&device_type={DEVICE_TYPE}&device_name={MODEL_NAME}&os_name={DEVICE_OS_NAME}&os_version={DEVICE_OS_VERSION}language={DEVICE_LANGUAGE}&ip_address={USER_IP}&user_agent={USER_AGENT}
Click Tracker<tracker_identifying_network_for_an_app>?campaign={CAMPAIGN_NAME}&adgroup={APP_BUNDLE}&creative={CREATIVE_NAME}&idfa={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&gps_adid={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&publisher_id={APP_ID}&impression_id={CONVERSION_ID}&<integration>_click_id={CONVERSION_ID}&device_type={DEVICE_TYPE}&device_name={MODEL_NAME}&os_name={DEVICE_OS_NAME}&os_version={DEVICE_OS_VERSION}language={DEVICE_LANGUAGE}&ip_address={USER_IP}&user_agent={USER_AGENT}
Adjust Parameters:
<tracker_identifying_network_for_an_app> - An ID identifying your integrated network for an app. Generated by Adjust
tracker_limit [Optional] : Default: 10,000; Max: 250,000. Use if for increasing the tracker limit. This can be added to impression/click url, for eg. this is how the click url will look like<tracker_identifying_network_for_an_app>?tracker_limit=20000&campaign={CAMPAIGN_NAME}&adgroup={APP_BUNDLE}&creative={CREATIVE_NAME}&idfa={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&gps_adid={DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}&publisher_id={APP_ID}&impression_id={CONVERSION_ID}&<integration>_click_id={CONVERSION_ID}&device_type={DEVICE_TYPE}&device_name={MODEL_NAME}&os_name={DEVICE_OS_NAME}&os_version={DEVICE_OS_VERSION}language={DEVICE_LANGUAGE}&ip_address={USER_IP}&user_agent={USER_AGENT
Trackers are used to record data against a network, campaign, adgroup and creative.
A network tracker can have 10,000 unique campaign sub-trackers, a campaign level tracker can have 10,000 adgroup sub-trackers and an adgroup level tracker can have 10,000 creatives under it.
All data for trackers generated past that number will be shown in the Adjust dashboard as 'unknown'.
Increasing the tracker limit can slow down the adjust’s dashboard, so optimize the campaign structure especially adgroup macro.
Impression Tracker
Click Tracker
network_id=<your_network_id>- This is a unique id that will be provided by Kochava.
Please refer the table below to customize the trackers according to your specific requirements. For detailed guidance on macros, please refer to the macro document provided here.
Kayzen Macro | Appsflyer | Adjust | Kochava |
{CAMPAIGN_NAME} | c | campaign | partner_campaign_name |
{CAMPAIGN_ID} | af_c_id |
| partner_campaign_id |
{CREATIVE_NAME} | af_ad | creative | creative_name |
{CREATIVE_ID} | af_ad_id |
| creative_id |
{EXCHANGE_NAME} | af_channel |
| exchange_name |
| exchange_id |
{CONVERSION_ID} | clickid | impression_id/<integration>_click_id. | impression_id |
{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID} | advertising_id/idfa | idfa/gps_adid | device_id |
{APP_BUNDLE} | af_siteid | adgroup |
{APP_ID} |
| publisher_id | site_id |
| app_name |
| country_code |
{CREATIVE_TYPE} | af_ad_type |
| os_name | device_os |
| os_version | device_os_version |
{USER_IP} | af_ip | ip_address | ip_address |
{USER_AGENT} | af_ua | user_agent | device_ua |
{DEVICE_LANGUAGE} | af_lang | language |
| user_lon |
| user_lat |
| device_name | device_model |
| device_vendor |
| device_type |
| ad_platform |
| device_carrier |
| user_zip |
App Event's Postback Template
This section provides guidance on structuring postbacks for install and post-install events when integrating with Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) using Kayzen's platform.The structure is the same for install and post install events i.e. just the event name will change as a value of the attribute "app_event". For events that generate revenue, the postback must include fields pertaining to revenue.
Key Parameters for Postback Configuration:
Below is a table outlining both mandatory and recommended parameters as specified by Kayzen. This list is not exhaustive, as each MMP may support additional parameters. However, inclusion of the mandatory fields is essential.
Mandatory Fields (*): These fields are required for all postbacks to ensure accurate tracking and attribution.
Recommended Fields: Including these fields provides more detailed data, enhancing campaign analysis and optimization.
Parameter | Description | MMP |
api_key* | Unique api key for your account/ app/website. You can get this api_key from Kayzen UI | All |
gaid* | Google unique advertising ID | All |
idfa* | iOS unique IDFA | All |
app_event* | Name of the event that you have recorded. eg: app_open, registration, purchase etc. | All |
can_claim* | Is attributed to Kayzen flag. | All |
view_through* | Flag for indicating view through installs | All |
bid_id* | Pass through parameter. Pass the click_id that was recorded when the user clicked on ad. | All |
integ_cust* | Agency name integrating with the MMP. Hardcoded. | All |
event_items | For any event, you can pass multiple event in a JSON format. | Appsflyer, Kochava |
is_reengagement | Flag for re-engagement | All |
revenue_USD | Revenue in USD | Appsflyer, Kochava |
revenue | Revenue, as sent from MMP SDK in cents | Adjust |
currency | Original ISO 4217 currency code | Adjust |
revenue_usd | Revenue, in US dollars. | Adjust |
os | OS. eg. Android, iOS | All |
osv | OS Versions | All |
ip | User IP | All |
user_agent | User agent | All |
country_code | Alpha 2 country code | All |
city | Device city | All |
app_id | Exchange specific App ID | Appsflyer, Adjust |
app_name | Name of the app | Appsflyer, Adjust |
app_version | App version number (Android); build-version-number for the bundle (iOS) | Appsflyer |
sdk_version | MMP sdk version for the app | Appsflyer |
match_type | Attribution method | All |
click_ts | TIme of click | Appsflyer |
install_ts | Time of install | Appsflyer |
environment | Indicates production or sandbox activuty | Adjust |
gp_referrer_click_ts | Google Play Referrer Click Timestamp | Appsflyer |
gp_referrer_install_ts | Google Play Referrer Install Timestamp | Appsflyer |
wifi | Flag for wifi | Appsflyer |
carrier | Carrier Name | Appsflyer |
activity_kind | Type of event. For eg; event, install, impression | Adjust |
created_at | Activity timestamp | Adjust |
model | Device Model | Adjust |
device_model | User device model | Appsflyer, Kochava |
device_type | Phone/Tablet | Adjust |
device_brand | User device brand | Appsflyer, Kochava |
session_length | Length of the user session | Adjust |
lifetime_session_count | No. os sessions recorded across entire user lifetime | Adjust |
is_unique |
| Adjust |
unique_id |
| Adjust |
is_organic | Flag for organic traffic | Adjust |
conversion_duration | Time between click and install or attributions in seconds | Adjust |
installed_at | Time of install | Adjust |
is_reattributed | 1 if user was reattributed at least once from an earlier source; 0 if user has never been reattributed | Adjust |
eventtime | Time of the event | Appsflyer, Kochava |
network_name | Name of the network responsible for the event conversion. | Kochava |
attribution_time | Time that the attribution occurred. | Kochava |
app_limit_track | The limit_tracking flag, as set by the developer within the app. | Kochava |
device_limit_track | The limit_tracking flag as set by the user within the OS of their device. | Kochava |
hours_played | Optional event attribute key. | Kochava |
sessions_played | Optional event attribute key. | Kochava |
duration | Optional event attribute key. | Kochava |
referral_from | Optional event attribute key. | Kochava |
attribution_window | Optional event attribute key. | Kochava |
Sample Postbacks:
Appsflyer<unique api key>&gaid={advertiserId}&idfa={advertiserId}&app_event={event-name}&event_items={event_items_json}&ip={ip}&eventtime={timestamp}&country_code={country-code}&city={city}&language={language}&device_model={device-model}&device_brand={device-brand}&osv={os-version}&can_claim={is_attributed}&bid_id={clickid}&is_reengagement={is-retarget}&is_reattribution={is-reattr}&revenue_USD={monetary}&app_id={app-id}&app_name={app-name}&app_version={app-version-name}&sdk_version={sdk-version}&match_type={match-type}&campaign={c}&click_ts={click-ts}&pub_id={af_siteid}&install_ts={install-unix-ts}¤cy={currency}&rejected_reason={blocked-reason}&rejected_reason_value={blocked-reason-value}&gp_referrer_click_ts={gp_referrer_click_ts}&gp_referrer_install_ts={gp_referrer_install_ts}&view_through={is-impression}&os={platform}&wifi={wifi}&carrier={carrier}&user_agent={user-agent}&appsflyer_id={appsflyer_id}&attributed_touch_type={attributed_touch_type}&blocked_sub_reason={blocked_sub_reason}&bundle_id={bundle_id}&idfv={idfv}&is_lat={is_lat}&is_primary_attribution={is_primary_attribution}&campaign_id={af_c_id}&af_ad_id={af_ad_id}&ad_ad={ad_ad}&integ_cust=<client_name>
Adjust<unique api key>&gaid={gps_adid}&idfa={idfa}&activity_kind={activity_kind}&event_items={partner_parameters}&ip={ip_address}&created_at={created_at}&country_code={country}&city={city}&language={language}&user_agent={user_agent}&model={device_name}&device_type={device_type}&os={os_name}&osv={os_version}&session_length={time_spent}&lifetime_session_count={lifetime_session_count}&deeplink={deeplink}&bid_id<click_imp_passthrough_variable>&can_claim=1&is_unique={nonce}&unique_id={random}&app_id={app_id}&app_name={app_name}&view_through={impression_based}&is_organic={is_organic}&conversion_duration={conversion_duration}&installed_at={installed_at}&click_time={click_time}&click_attribution_window={click_attribution_window}&impression_attribution_window={impression_attribution_window}&reattribution_attribution_window={reattribution_attribution_window}&inactive_user_definition={inactive_user_definition}&match_type={match_type}&is_reattributed={is_reattributed}&app_event=<the_event>&install_begin_time={install_begin_time}&install_finish_time={install_finish_time}&user_agent={user_agent}&network={network_name}&revenue_float={revenue_float}&revenue_usd={revenue_usd}¤cy={currency}&campaign_name={campaign_name}&adgroup_name={adgroup_name}&creative_name={creative_name}&is_s2s={is_s2s}&impression_ts={impression_time}&engagement_ts={engagement_time}&reattributed_ts={reattributed_at}&connection_type={connection_type}&cpu_type={cpu_type}&hardware_name={hardware_name}&network_type={network_type}&device_manufacturer={device_manufacturer}&proxy_ip={proxy_ip_address}&adjust_device_id={adid}&idfv={idfv}&web_uuid={web_uuid}&mobile_country={mcc}&mobile_network={mnc}&isp={isp}&platform={platform}&tracking_enabled={tracking_enabled}&tracking_limited={tracking_limited}&revenue={revenue}¤cy={currency}&app_version={app_version}&referral_time{referral_time}&received_at={received_at}&sdk_version={sdk_version}&environment={environment}&integ_cust=<client_name>
Audience Integration
Clients now have the ability to create audiences using specific rulesets and seamlessly push these audiences to Kayzen via API. This integration extends to Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) like AppsFlyer, ensuring a broad and flexible approach to audience management.
Key Integration Details:
When using AppsFlyer for audience creation, the partner name displayed will be “Kayzen”.
Should you wish to leverage the API audience feature, enabling clients to select <Your_Integration_Name> within their workflow, please follow the steps outlined below:
Initiate a conversation with AppsFlyer support to request activation of this feature.
AppsFlyer will request certain details for enabling the feature. Please coordinate with your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to obtain the necessary information:
Integration Endpoints:
Test API-Key
Important Considerations:
Before proceeding with the feature request, please ensure alignment on the following points, as they are crucial for a smooth integration process:
The audiences routed through the specified endpoint are intended exclusively for use in Kayzen campaigns. We do not support uses beyond this specified purpose.
Audiences created on AppsFlyer and shared directly with Kayzen will not be available for distribution in the form of audience files, aligning with our privacy and data use policies.
Each API call for adding or removing devices is capped at a maximum of 2,000 devices. Furthermore, these audiences must be linked to an active Kayzen campaign.
Any audience not associated with a Kayzen campaign showing activity within the past 60 days will be systematically removed.
Alternative Audience Sharing Methods:
For clients not utilizing this direct integration feature, audience sharing remains flexible. Options include sharing via Dropbox/AWS S3 links or direct files. We support a variety of methods for audience creation and sharing. For more detailed information, please refer to the provided documentation.
Need Further Assistance?
Should you have any questions or require clarification on any of the points mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us through the chat widget or reach out directly to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).
Reporting API White-labeling
This section outlines the process for white-labeling Kayzen's reporting API to align with your branding and domain requirements.
Kayzen Reporting API URL: The default URL for Kayzen's reporting API is However, this will be customized to reflect your chosen custom URL.
Purchase SSL Certificate: Acquire an SSL certificate for your desired domain (e.g., and provide us with all necessary files, including the certificate files (.crt), along with any relevant instructions.
Certificate Setup: Our team will handle the setup of the SSL certificate that you shared.
CNAME Configuration: You will need to add a CNAME record to your domain (e.g., to point to This step ensures proper routing of API requests.
Upon completion of these steps, your customized reporting API URL will be fully operational, providing a seamless branded experience for your users.
Example CNAME Configuration, in the end will look something like this. CNAME
For any further assistance or inquiries regarding the white-labeling process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team via chat widget.