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Native Creative Guidelines

Your guide to a Native campaign experience as seamless as the ads themselves

Justin Nield avatar
Written by Justin Nield
Updated over a week ago

Last Updated: January, 2024

What are Native Ads?

Native ads fit seamlessly into the look/feel of non-advertising content units, which improves engagement and overall user experience. These ads complement the form, design, and function of their environment, delivering a less intrusive user experience as a result.

Native ads can help overcome ”banner blindness.” As native ads have the same look and feel as the publisher’s organic content (product listings, articles, social posts), users are more likely to spend time viewing and (ultimately engaging with) the ad.

Common Native Ads placements

Carousel App Wall Content Wall

How are Native Ads built?

Native ads are built from a number of metadata elements, such as:

  • App Icon + Name

  • Description Text

  • Thumbnail image

  • Call to action

  • Click URL

The Kayzen console provides a intuitive UI to help you successfully build your Native creatives!




Navigating Native Supply

Native ad placements can be easily identified in Inventory Discovery under the Native Ad Format.

If you want to learn more about which Ad Exchanges support Native supply, you can check the latest data on Inventory Discovery, or visit our Ad Exchange Dossier article.

Native to Banner

Certain ad exchanges, like Google ADX and IronSource, provide publishers with the functionality of accepting Native creatives on their banner (320x50, 728x90) and/or MREC (300x250) ad placements.

The ad exchange will take the Native assets and build a banner creative from them.

Example of Native assets being converted into a Banner creative

These "Native allowing" banner ad placements can be easily identified on Inventory Discovery by filtering through the Banner ad format, and looking at the accepted Creative Types.

Native Asset Spec


App icon


Native Image



300 characters


15 characters

​Image File format: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF
File-size: <700kb


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