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Programmatic Inventory Explorer - Tool Walkthrough

Learn how to interpret the information available on the tool (November 2022)

Tomás Yacachury avatar
Written by Tomás Yacachury
Updated over a week ago

About Kayzen's Programmatic Inventory Explorer

Programmatic is the most transparent method for buying in-app inventory outside walled gardens (Meta, Google, TikTok, Twitter). A good evidence of this is the vast array of signals available on the bidstream which allow buyers to better understand what the in-app market looks like beyond their current purchasing behavior.

Leveraging the full transparency of programmatic, Kayzen has developed the first-ever Programmatic Inventory Explorer to help you navigate the in-app space and make more data-driven decisions when planning your campaigns.

The following guide will help you understand how to interpret each section.

If you want to expand your understanding of the Programmatic Inventory Explorer even further, we suggest the following links:

Section #0 - Filter selection

You will first need to select which in-app inventory pocket you would like to analyze, determined by a combination of Country, OS, Ad Format, and Device ID availability

Please note that currently, it is necessary to select one, and only one, of the options available on each filter. We will explore expanding on this functionality in potential future iterations of the tool.

Section #1 - Market Price

The Market Price section on the Programmatic Inventory Explorer will allow you to understand what the market is currently paying for the inventory selection you've previously made, in the form of a price distribution curve.

On the horizontal axis, you will find the impression percentiles, while on the vertical axis, the CPM is US$.

The example above shows that the 80th percentile is $77.70, meaning 80% of all impression opportunities are priced at $77.70 or less. Alternatively, 20% of all impression opportunities are priced at $77.70 or more.

Average CPMs and Media CPMs (50th percentile) are also provided for quick reference.

Section #2 - Programmatic Reach

The Programmatic Reach section provides an overview of the number of devices we can reach on average in a day, a week, and a month.

NOTE: In the case of traffic without Device ID, we leverage other available identifiers to estimate the number of devices.

In the above example we can say that in the US, for iOS Interstitial and traffic without Device ID available, we can reach, on average, 100M devices in a day, 150M devices in a week, and 184M devices in a month.

Section #3 - Top Apps & Categories

In this section, you will gain visibility on where your ads will be shown, by determining which are the top 3 app categories, determined by a number of available bid requests, as well as the top 3 apps within each of those categories.

The app categorization described on the tool leverages the full power of Smart App Categories, Kayzen's app taxonomy which provides a uniform, consistent categorization of both Gaming and non-Gaming apps across Play Store and App Store.

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