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Instructions to select Kayzen Ad server in your Celtra account

Sachin Joglekar avatar
Written by Sachin Joglekar
Updated over a week ago


You have the flexibility to generate your creative using Celtra and run your ad campaigns using Celtra tags in the Kayzen platform. In this article, we will show you how to choose the Kayzen ad server in Celtra.

Steps to follow in Celtra

  1. In your Celtra account select the placement to publish.

2. Once you click on ‘Publish’ you will be redirected to the below page.

3. You can select 'MRAID' or 'Web Browser' under Environment.

4. Under Ad Server select 'Kayzen'.

5. You can use the below tag to run your creatives in the Kayzen platform.

✍️ Additional reading:

➤ You can refer to the campaign creation article in the Kayzen website, on how to implement MRAID/HTML code.

➤If you want to know how to add your trackers in Celtra refer to this link. (the link requires Celtra login)

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