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How to create Voluum tracker URLs & Postbacks

Sachin Joglekar avatar
Written by Sachin Joglekar
Updated over a week ago


In this article, we will show how to pass your website events (postbacks) and create Voluum trackers in your Voluum account for the Kayzen campaigns.

Steps to enable Kayzen traffic source

1. Login to your Voluum account.

2. Go to the ‘Traffic Source’ tab.

3. Click on ‘New traffic source’ button.

4. Select Kayzen in ‘Add traffic source’ page.

5. The next page details will be auto-filled.

Note: {CONVERSION_ID} macro is mandatory, you can choose to select other macros from our Macro tracking article.

6. Select ‘Traffic source postback URL’.

7. Add Kayzen events postback URL.
Sample postback URL:

(You can refer to our events API to check the parameters we support)

8. Click on ‘More tracking options’ and select ‘Impression tracking’. (this step is optional)

9. Click on ‘Save’.

Steps to generate trackers in Voluum for Kayzen

You need to create a campaign in Voluum to generate click and impression tracking URL for Kayzen campaigns.

1. Go to the ‘Campaign’ tab.

2. Click on the ‘New campaign’.

3. Select ‘TRK Advanced’ (recommended, you can edit/add Kayzen Postback URL).

4. Select Kayzen as your traffic source.

5. Expand ‘Conversion reporting to traffic source’

You can use the default option if the API key is not changing from what you have updated in Step 7 under ‘Enable Kayzen traffic source’.

Note: The API key is unique for every Website you create in a Kayzen account. You can refer to the Order creation article to create your App/Website.

6. Click on ‘Copy’. (if you want to add a new API key you need to follow these steps)

7. Select ‘Unique for this campaign’ and paste the Postback URL. You need to replace the API key of your Website. (You can refer to this article to access your events API key in Kayzen platform)

8. You can add any events of your website to be tracked in Kayzen platform by clicking on ‘Add event’

Note: Setup a unique postback for each event, just replace the “app_event” parameter with the unique name for each one of them. Eg, “landing”, “subscription step 1”, “subscription completed”

9. Copy the campaign URL under the ‘TRACKING’ tab. Use this URL as a click URL in the Kayzen UI while creating a campaign.

If you have selected impression tracking (as suggested in step 8 under ‘Enable Kayzen traffic source’) then you will be able to use the impressions URL in Kayzen UI.

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