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Integration Guide for Adjust

A guide for all things related to Adjust

Sachin Joglekar avatar
Written by Sachin Joglekar
Updated over a week ago

This guide is a walkthrough for tracker and postback setup. You can check the Advanced section for more information on Kayzen-Adjust integration.

Tracker and Postback Setup

Learn how to create a tracker for Kayzen, and understand the actions required from your side in order to activate the data streaming from Adjust to Kayzen.

Adjust allows two types of postback integrations- Modular (recommended) and Manual (not recommended)

Using Kayzen Module Integration (Recommended)

Steps to Create a New Tracker for Kayzen

Please note that these steps to create a tracking link are the same for both Install and Re-engagement campaigns.

  1. Login to your Adjust account.

  2. Click Apps in the left navigation tab.

  3. Select the app that you want to promote with Kayzen.

  4. Click on Trackers.

  5. Enter Kayzen as Tracker Name and select Kayzen in the Network dropdown menu.

  6. Click on Create. The tracker URL will be created and added to your list of trackers.

  7. Copy the Tracker URL using the Copy URL button on the right hand side, as you hover over your Kayzen Tracker.

  8. Copy the URL and use it as the destination URL for Kayzen ads. Below is a sample of what the URL should look like: 



Additional Parameters:

  1. tracker_limit [Optional] : Default: 10,000; Max: 250,000. Use it for increasing the tracker limit.

Trackers are used to record data against a network, campaign, adgroup and creative.

A network tracker can have 10,000 unique campaign sub-trackers, a campaign level tracker can have 10,000 adgroup sub-trackers and an adgroup level tracker can have 10,000 creatives under it. All data for trackers generated past that number will be shown in the Adjust dashboard as 'unknown'.

To increase this limit of 10,000, you can use this parameter.

Can be added to impression and click trackers.

Note: Increasing the tracker limit can slow down the dashboard, so optimize the campaign structure especially the adgroup macro.

Finally, please send the Tracker URL to you Kayzen Account Manager for verification before running your campaigns.

Steps to Activate Event Callbacks

Step 1: Select the app you want to run a campaign for

  • Log in to your Adjust account on

  • Select Apps from the left navigation tab

  • Select Settings for the app that you will be promoting with Kayzen

Step 2: Select Kayzen as a Partner Setup

  • In the tab that appears, click Partner Setup

  • Click the Add Partner button

  • Select Kayzen from the list of networks

  • Activate the Integration and Events Postback

Step 3: To activate the integration, enter your app-specific Kayzen API Key. Follow the steps in this article to find your app-specific API key.

  • Switch on the following toggles:

  • Send Reattributions

  • Revenue Forwarding

  • Parameter Forwarding

  • Session Forwarding

  • Click on Event Linking If you want to track all events in Kayzen with the same names as you have set up in Adjust, you can select the ‘Fill all with event names’ button. If a field is left blank, the parameter will not be sent.

Step 4: If you are planning to run your campaigns in LAT traffic, please ensure the attribution type fingerprinting is enabled in default attribution setting to ensure install attribution.

Step 5: Click Save. 

Using Manual Postback Integration (Not Recommended)

If you prefer to manually create postbacks and append them to impression and click url's, you can use Adjust and Kayzen's manual postback integration template. However, this approach is not recommended since Kayzen's module integration is more robust and secure

Let's assume the base tracker URL is-

Post back for Install event (CT Attribution)- Click URL{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D0

The macros added after the parameter install_callback should be encoded. You can add different macros. Please refer to supported macro list document.

Note: Ensure angular brackets < > are not present after you add the API key.

Post back for Install event (VT Attribution)- Impression URL{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D1

The difference between click and impression URL is the value of parameter "view_through"

Post back for Post Install event (CT Attribution)- Click URL

For a specific post install event, say purchase, you will have to create a specific token per event and use that token in the postback. Eg-<token>=kayzen_event{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D0%26app_event%3Dpurchase


event_callback_<token>- Token needs to be replaced by proper Adjust token. Eg- If Adjust token for purchase event is purc1, then the string should be event_callback_purc1
Note: Ensure angular brackets < > are not present after you add the token

app_event%3Dpurchase- "purchase" should be replaced with corresponding in-app event

Post back for Post Install event (VT Attribution)- Impression URL<token>=kayzen_event{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D1%26app_event%3Dpurchase

Post back for multiple Post Install event (CT Attribution)- Click URL

For multiple events you can just append the respective postbacks to the urls.<token1>=kayzen_event{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D0%26app_event%3Dpurchase&event_callback_<token2>=kayzen_event{API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26idfa%3D%7Bidfa%7D%26gaid%3D%7Bgps_adid%7D%26os%3D%7Bos_name%7D%26app_event%3DRevenue%26view_through%3D0

Post back for multiple Post Install event (VT Attribution)- Impression URL<token1>=kayzen_event{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D1%26app_event%3Dpurchase&event_callback_<token2>=kayzen_event{API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26idfa%3D%7Bidfa%7D%26gaid%3D%7Bgps_adid%7D%26os%3D%7Bos_name%7D%26app_event%3DRevenue%26view_through%3D1

You can include reattribution post backs as well along with events or independently.

Just keep in mind the syntax and the parameters recommended macros with respective post backs.

Reattribution: reattribution_callback=kayzen_event<API_KEY>

Sample Post back URL with Post Install event, reattribution for click.<token1>=kayzen_event{APP_API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26gaid%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26idfa%3D{DEVICE_PLATFORM_ID}%26view_through%3D0%26app_event%3Dpurchase%26%7D&reattribution_callback=kayzen_event{API_KEY}%26bid_id%3D{CONVERSION_ID}%26idfa%3D%7Bidfa%7D%26gaid%3D%7Bgps_adid%7D%26os%3D%7Bos_name%7D%26app_event%3Dreattribution%26view_through%3D0

Advanced Setup

You can read more about Kayzen integration with Adjust here.

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